How To Create an RSS Feed

Find out how to enable RSS for your website on Tilda
RSS is a file format that allows readers to receive information about the website's updates and new blog entries without visiting the website. Read this guide to learn how to enable the RSS option for your website and share information about your website's updates and new blog entries with your readers.
What is RSS and how to use it
RSS is an XML file that stores data about pages (blog entries, news) indicating their titles, short descriptions, and publication dates. It's convenient to keep track of new posts on various websites without checking each website manually. To view RSS feeds, you need to use special applications—RSS readers. Such applications are available on all popular desktop and mobile platforms.

You may find this feature especially useful when it comes to content-driven projects, such as blogs. This way, the readers of your blog will be able to add it to their RSS feed and follow new entries with ease.

To enable the RSS feature for your website, go to the Site Settings → More, select the "Create an RSS-feed" checkbox, and republish all pages.
There will be generated a file with a list of all the pages (except the pages whose indexation you have disabled in the Page Settings).

You can exclude a page from RSS generation and change its publication date in the RSS file, which you can find in the Page Settings → Additional.
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